当温度提高到其工作温度(通常为华氏186°/ 86℃),锡焊的焊接点将会熔断或是液体填充的玻璃球破裂,自动喷水灭火装置会开始工作,打开洒水喷头释放水并拉响警报。
Automatic fire sprinklers are individually heat-activated and attached to a network of piping with water under pressure. When the heat of a fire raises the sprinkler temperature to its operating temperature (usually 186°F - 86°C), a solder link will melt or a liquid-filled glass bulb will shatter to open that sprinkler, releasing water and sounding an alarm. By acting automatically at the origin of a fire,sprinklers prevent a fire from going to a dangerous size.
Sprinkler Hose and Connection Adapter can be safely used in fire extinguishing systems due to its structure not being affected by seismic motions and the braided hose's resistance to heat and pressure. Primary advantages are connecting the sprinkler to the fire line with minimum effort and installing the device easily into ceiling with its connection Adapter. Public places like shopping centers, hotels, theaters, cinemas where the response time is really important are where the system is mostly chosen.
There are many advantages using Sprinkler Hose and Connection Adapterto mount sprinkler systems. Most important ones are minimum workmanship time provided by easy installation, safer sprinkler systems against seismic motions and adjustability without being dependent upon design of installation lines.